Travelling the world and immersing yourself in new cultures, sights and sounds is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. In recent years, however, the social, economic and environmental impacts of tourism have gained significant attention.

While there are certainly benefits of traipsing the world (for both you and the local communities), there are also negatives.

Travelling sustainably and responsibly is a fine balance, but it’s something we’re pretty passionate about at Bunnik Tours. That’s why we’ve pulled together all the facts about the impacts of tourism so you can make an informed decision for your next tour of the world.


What are the positive and negative impacts of the tourism industry?


Positive impacts of tourism

Economic benefits

All around the world, the tourism industry plays a major role in the economy and in providing jobs. According to the BBC, it’s estimated that tourism accounts for 10% of the world’s gross domestic product and over 100 million people are employed in the industry.

In addition to generating income and jobs, the tourism industry also has a major impact on infrastructure – including airports, railways and roads, utilities, telecommunications and more. These facilities not only improve the experience of visiting travellers, but the quality of life of the locals.


Preservation of culture and traditions

As travellers, we’re always looking to really experience all that a country or city has to offer. Be it indulging in local foods and drinks, buying handmade arts and crafts, hearing ancient stories or seeing performances of music, theatre and dance. By creating demand for all of these things, we’re helping preserve traditional customs for future generations to come. At Bunnik Tours, we believe in always supporting the local community – which is why we often try to stay in local accommodation, eat at local restaurants and see traditional performances.


Cultural understanding and appreciation

When you travel, you get to immerse yourself in new cultures, taste different foods and meet people from all walks of life. There’s nothing quite like sharing a meal with a local family in Denmark, experiencing a spiritual cleaning from a Shaman in Ecuador or taking part in an early morning Tai Chi lesson in Vietnam. The more you explore the world, the more you get to appreciate different cultures and meet new people – something we’re pretty passionate about at Bunnik Tours.


Negative impacts of tourism


Unfortunately, there are a number of negative environmental impacts of tourism – and pollution is a big one. This can vary from noise pollution caused by overcrowding, physical litter from tourists or air pollution from airplanes, cars and buses. Much of this also adds to climate change, especially the carbon dioxide emissions from all the transportation. To play our part in mitigating this, our small group tours are limited to a maximum of 20 people, we’ve recently undertaken a reusable water bottle scheme and we walk where possible.


Loss of culture

Even though tourism can support the locals and preserve traditions and customs, mass tourism can also bring about a loss of cultural identity. This is mostly due to the ease of providing international food and drink to tourists rather than getting tourists to try local cuisine, as well as the global spread of fast food chains. However, more and more travellers are becoming aware of their impact on culture, and so people are actively seeking out local restaurants and food. On our tours, we put an emphasis on experiencing the local culture through our immersive special experiences, from learning how to cook a traditional dish to watching a cultural performance.



In popular destinations, overcrowding and congestion is a major problem. A result of overtourism, overcrowding can spoil the enjoyment of a destination and also create annoyances for the locals. That’s why we’re so passionate about our small group philosophy at Bunnik Tours and being able to get off the beaten tourist track.


Managing the impacts of tourism

While it’s true that the tourism industry can have a negative impact on the environment and local communities, that shouldn’t stop you from packing your suitcase and booking your next trip. There are a number of ways you can travel the world sustainably and responsibly – one of which involves booking with Bunnik Tours!

On our small group tours, you’ll get to venture off the beaten track, visit local restaurants, stay in locally owned accommodation and explore more authentically. Plus, you’ll get the expertise of a local tour guide and interact with the whole group, not just the portion of it.


Learn more about sustainable tourism: