Top 19 Croatian travel phrases

  • Bunnik Tours
  • 06 Feb 20

Heading to Croatia soon? Brushing up on some simple common words will help you in some of the day-to-day situations you may find yourself in. Read on to learn our top 19 Croatian travel phrases to help you communicate with locals while you’re there!

  1. Hello – Bok
    pronunciation: (bohk)
  2. Goodbye – Do viđenja
    pronunciation: (doh-vee-d’gehn-nyah)
  3. Good morning/evening – Dobro jutro/Dobra večer
    pronunciation: (doh-broh you-tro / doh-brah veh-cher)
  4. Please – Molim
    pronunciation: (moh-leem)
  5. Thank you – Hvala
    pronunciation: (flah-lah)
  6. Yes – Da
    pronunciation: (dah)
  7. No – Ne
    pronunciation: (neh)
  8. Do you speak English? –  Govorite li engleski?
    pronunciation: (goh-voh-ree-teh kee lee ehn-glehs)
  9. I don’t understand – Ne razumijem   
    pronunciation: (neh rah-zoo-meeyehm)
  10. Please write it down – Molimo zapisati
    pronunciation: (moh-leem-oh za-pi-sa-ti)
  11. How much does it cost? – Koliko košta ovo?
    pronunciation: (koh-lee-koh kosht-tah oh-voh)
  12. Where is…? – Gdje je. . .?         
    pronunciation: (gdyeh se)
  13. Telephone – Telefonom
    pronunciation: (teh-leh-foh-nohm)
  14. Toilet – Zahodi
    pronunciation: (za-haw-dee)
  15. Tea – Caja
    pronunciation: (chaia)
  16. Coffee – Kave
    pronunciation: (kah-veh)
  17. Bottled water – Mineralne vode
    pronunciation: (mee-neh-rahl-neh voh-deh)
  18. Cheers! – Živjeli!
    pronunciation: (zhee-ve-lee)
  19. I can’t speak Croatian well – Ne govorim dobro hrvatski
    pronunciation: (neh goh-voh-reem doh-broh huhr-vahts-kee)