Organise your packing

  • Bunnik Tours
  • 29 Mar 20

Make 2020 the year you finally organise your suitcase!

Packing tips

Packing tips

There are two different types of people in the world – those who travel with an organised suitcase and those who don’t. Let’s face it, if you’re reading this you are probably the latter and you’re definitely not alone! Here at the Small Group Touring Co. we travel a lot and between the entire team we’ve come up with some simple yet effective packing lessons to help you get your suitcase organised.


Lesson 1: Packing cubes are a gamechanger

Packing cubes will fundamentally change the way you travel. Gone are the days of opening your suitcase to a pile of untidy clothes, having to take everything out to find your favourite t-shirt, and squashing everything in to be able to zip it back up again!

Packing cubes allow you to know exactly where your clothes are at all times. Separate your clothes between the cubes, with one for tops, one for bottoms, and so on. You can even pack an empty one to house your dirty clothes in. Trust us, your suitcase will love you for it.


Lesson 2: Zip lock bags are your best friend

We’ve all been there at least once during our travels when one of our trusty shampoo bottles or face wash leaks through our toiletries bag in our suitcase. It’s never fun to deal with and always puts a bit of a dampener on your travels. That’s where your new best friend comes in handy! Say hello to zip lock bags, here to save your toiletries bag from any future leaks.

The best part, a range of companies now sell environmentally friendly and re-usable zip lock bags so you can be leak free without single-use plastic waste.


Lesson 3: Pack twice

This one might sound strange to some, but for the over-packers in the world it’s essential! Leading up to your travels get all your clothes that you want to take and lay them out in your suitcase. Come back a day or two later and properly pack (using those packing cubes from lesson one) and go through all those clothes you have out. Be ruthless and don’t pack anything you’re second guessing. Go in to your packing with the mindset of anything you second guess goes back in the wardrobe and you’ll be on your way to a perfectly packed lightweight suitcase!  


Lesson 4: Peace of mind comes with a scale

What would the point of all this organsing be if you’re suitcase ends up being overweight? Travel with a portable luggage scale to ensure you’re on top of how much your suitcase weighs. This means less time stressing and more time shopping for souvenirs to bring home.



Lesson 5: Untangle those cables

Easily tangled and easily lost, charging cables can be a pain for us all! It’s easy to get caught up with an abundance of cables when packing your tech for your travels. You want to take your phone to stay connected with people back home, your camera to capture amazing photographs of your experiences, your headphones, maybe even a tablet or smart watch, the list could go on and on! For those of you who like DIY projects, Velcro does wonder for tangle-free cables! Otherwise, there is an abundance of different cable bags out on the market that do wonders in organising your cables and other gadgets for your travels.


So there you have it, our 5 top lessons to having an organised suitcase! Now, there’s just one last question – where are you going this year? Join us on a small group tour and the be the envy of your group with your organised suitcase! Browse our tours here: